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Sarah and Evans

in Charleston, SC

Videographer: Elephant Memories

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Elephant MemoriesVideographer
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Wedding Date on Nov 17, 2022

Some people are morning people, and breakfast is the best meal of the day, especially when it's with good friends! For folks like Sarah and Evans, brunch in one of their favorite restaurants was exactly the thing to celebrate their wedding. The day before, they decided on having a simple, intimate ceremony with just family. They didn't want anything elaborate or to have any pressure that day, and it ended up being absolutely beautiful. Small, personal, and perfect for these two. For brunch the next day, they invited all their friends for a day focused on the amazing food, the great cocktails that work so well for brunch, and the incredible decoration that just made the already gorgeous Post House even more stunning! We absolutely love to see all the different creative ways people find to celebrate love in their own ways, to bring people together with their personal style, and this brunch reception and ceremony was just perfect for this beautiful couple. The morning light shining through the live oaks, with the docks on the Charleston Harbor just around the corner, it all made for the perfect backdrop for this totally stylish and elegant celebration. Sarah's vision for the style of video she wanted was an inspiration, and made even more fun with their personal wedding styles, the decor and design, who doesn't want to have brunch at a spot like this! Grab a mimosa and enjoy!

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Sarah and Evans

in Charleston, SC

Videographer: Elephant Memories

Nov 17 2022


Some people are morning people, and breakfast is the best meal of the day, especially when it's with good friends! For folks like Sarah and Evans, brunch in one of their favorite restaurants was exactly the thing to celebrate their wedding. The day before, they decided on having a simple, intimate ceremony with just family. They didn't want anything elaborate or to have any pressure that day, and it ended up being absolutely beautiful. Small, personal, and perfect for these two. For brunch the next day, they invited all their friends for a day focused on the amazing food, the great cocktails that work so well for brunch, and the incredible decoration that just made the already gorgeous Post House even more stunning! We absolutely love to see all the different creative ways people find to celebrate love in their own ways, to bring people together with their personal style, and this brunch reception and ceremony was just perfect for this beautiful couple. The morning light shining through the live oaks, with the docks on the Charleston Harbor just around the corner, it all made for the perfect backdrop for this totally stylish and elegant celebration. Sarah's vision for the style of video she wanted was an inspiration, and made even more fun with their personal wedding styles, the decor and design, who doesn't want to have brunch at a spot like this! Grab a mimosa and enjoy!

Wedding Team

Elephant MemoriesVideographer
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