From The Bride: Bronson & I both went to Texas A&M. He played golf and i ran track. The student athlete community is typically pretty close and we knew all the same people but we l didn't cross paths for the 3 years we were both there. I had a group project with John Hurley who played golf with Bronson, and our group started spending time at the Golf facility for our project. I was looking at all the team pictures on the wall and noticed a really good looking blonde boy in the picture that i'd never seen before. So the normal not creepy thing to do is friend him on Facebook right? Facebook is the original match.com. Long story short, he messaged me on Facebook with a " Do i know you from somewhere, you look familiar" … and asked me on a date. Then the Sunday rolled around and he was coming to college station to pick me up. I wasnt feeling this whole blind date thing. So my friends had to literally talk me into it. And i am SOOO glad they did. Feb 13 2011, I was playing in the yard with my dog not expecting much of anything out of this date. Then pulls up this guy in this white tahoe. I remember the moment I saw him for the first time, out walked this good looking, muscle bound, sandy blonde haired guy, with the cutest freaking smile. & Those blue eyes. Dang. Like a serious Taylor Swift Song. He opened the car door for me and i remember being shocked. Like who does that? Bronson. Every time. He made me smile the whole entire night. Conversation was so easy. I was instantly able to be myself. The best part of the date was getting blankets and my dog Railey, and going on top of this bridge that was still being built and closed down. Just laying up there looking at the stars and talking for hours. I remember looking over at him on top of that bridge and thinking this guy is to good to be true. Ill never forget walking down the ramp back to his car and just feeling so at peace. Getting home he walked me to the door, kissed me on the cheek and i about died inside. I was looking at him to try to find "the catch" the flaw, anything at all. Then that same sense of peace just washed over me again, that God had brought me him for a reason. And i am so grateful and thankful that He did. And that peace i felt the first night has never wavered. That night was the beginning of an incredible adventure.
From The Bride: Bronson & I both went to Texas A&M. He played golf and i ran track. The student athlete community is typically pretty close and we knew all the same people but we l didn't cross paths for the 3 years we were both there. I had a group project with John Hurley who played golf with Bronson, and our group started spending time at the Golf facility for our project. I was looking at all the team pictures on the wall and noticed a really good looking blonde boy in the picture that i'd never seen before. So the normal not creepy thing to do is friend him on Facebook right? Facebook is the original match.com. Long story short, he messaged me on Facebook with a " Do i know you from somewhere, you look familiar" … and asked me on a date. Then the Sunday rolled around and he was coming to college station to pick me up. I wasnt feeling this whole blind date thing. So my friends had to literally talk me into it. And i am SOOO glad they did. Feb 13 2011, I was playing in the yard with my dog not expecting much of anything out of this date. Then pulls up this guy in this white tahoe. I remember the moment I saw him for the first time, out walked this good looking, muscle bound, sandy blonde haired guy, with the cutest freaking smile. & Those blue eyes. Dang. Like a serious Taylor Swift Song. He opened the car door for me and i remember being shocked. Like who does that? Bronson. Every time. He made me smile the whole entire night. Conversation was so easy. I was instantly able to be myself. The best part of the date was getting blankets and my dog Railey, and going on top of this bridge that was still being built and closed down. Just laying up there looking at the stars and talking for hours. I remember looking over at him on top of that bridge and thinking this guy is to good to be true. Ill never forget walking down the ramp back to his car and just feeling so at peace. Getting home he walked me to the door, kissed me on the cheek and i about died inside. I was looking at him to try to find "the catch" the flaw, anything at all. Then that same sense of peace just washed over me again, that God had brought me him for a reason. And i am so grateful and thankful that He did. And that peace i felt the first night has never wavered. That night was the beginning of an incredible adventure.