Jaimie and Ben’s love story began at Madison’s beloved Nitty Gritty, where a kitchen boy and a server girl formed a special bond and friendship. Over time, that friendship blossomed into a beautiful romance, leading to this exciting new chapter together! Adventurers at heart, these two have explored new places far and wide, but they find just as much joy in life’s simple pleasures—quiet nights at home cooking dinner, hiking, biking, or just soaking up the beauty of the outdoors. As true Madison locals, Jaimie and Ben knew how to create the perfect hometown wedding. Their emotional ceremony overlooked stunning Lake Mendota and the vibrant Memorial Union Terrace. Guests were treated to an unforgettable cocktail hour, featuring the lively UW-Marching Band and none other than Bucky the Badger himself! The celebration came full circle at a gorgeous reception held in the very room where Jaimie’s parents tied the knot over 30 years ago. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories—a perfect start to their forever together.
Jaimie and Ben’s love story began at Madison’s beloved Nitty Gritty, where a kitchen boy and a server girl formed a special bond and friendship. Over time, that friendship blossomed into a beautiful romance, leading to this exciting new chapter together! Adventurers at heart, these two have explored new places far and wide, but they find just as much joy in life’s simple pleasures—quiet nights at home cooking dinner, hiking, biking, or just soaking up the beauty of the outdoors. As true Madison locals, Jaimie and Ben knew how to create the perfect hometown wedding. Their emotional ceremony overlooked stunning Lake Mendota and the vibrant Memorial Union Terrace. Guests were treated to an unforgettable cocktail hour, featuring the lively UW-Marching Band and none other than Bucky the Badger himself! The celebration came full circle at a gorgeous reception held in the very room where Jaimie’s parents tied the knot over 30 years ago. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories—a perfect start to their forever together.