Alex is a software developer and Ashley is an esthetician. They enjoy spending time together by cooking meals together, going out to eat, or watching movies together. The most important thing in their life is family. Alex and Ashley traveled to Portland, Oregon and went for a hike to a beautiful waterfall. Ashley had actually set up a photographer to get professional photos of us done since it had been a while since they had taken any cute photos. Ashley had no idea that Alex was secretly planning a proposal during that trip, so during their photo session he got down on one knee, and proposed! They chose The Sekrit Theatre because it is very unique and different. It is a beautiful glass garden house with lighting, black and white tile flooring and a cute little water fountain right outside. It has witchy vibes which fit my style perfectly, but it is also very romantic for Alex's taste. They wanted to share the dark and moody side of our style but also have fun and have humor involved. That's why they decided not only would Halloween be perfect, but everyone that can attend must dress up.
Alex is a software developer and Ashley is an esthetician. They enjoy spending time together by cooking meals together, going out to eat, or watching movies together. The most important thing in their life is family. Alex and Ashley traveled to Portland, Oregon and went for a hike to a beautiful waterfall. Ashley had actually set up a photographer to get professional photos of us done since it had been a while since they had taken any cute photos. Ashley had no idea that Alex was secretly planning a proposal during that trip, so during their photo session he got down on one knee, and proposed! They chose The Sekrit Theatre because it is very unique and different. It is a beautiful glass garden house with lighting, black and white tile flooring and a cute little water fountain right outside. It has witchy vibes which fit my style perfectly, but it is also very romantic for Alex's taste. They wanted to share the dark and moody side of our style but also have fun and have humor involved. That's why they decided not only would Halloween be perfect, but everyone that can attend must dress up.