Amanda and Seth met at a New Year's Eve Party...as soon as she walked in the room, they locked eyes and couldn't stop thinking about each other. They felt as though they were being drawn together. Seth normally doesn't go and talk to women at parties out of the blue, but he said, "It felt like I had to...I had to go talk to her." They clicked immediately. It felt like they found their person, like it was destiny. And they have been at each other's side ever since. The love and support they share for one another is truly special. You can see their love for each other in their eyes.
Aug 9 2018
Amanda and Seth met at a New Year's Eve Party...as soon as she walked in the room, they locked eyes and couldn't stop thinking about each other. They felt as though they were being drawn together. Seth normally doesn't go and talk to women at parties out of the blue, but he said, "It felt like I had to...I had to go talk to her." They clicked immediately. It felt like they found their person, like it was destiny. And they have been at each other's side ever since. The love and support they share for one another is truly special. You can see their love for each other in their eyes.