To be lucky enough to do wedding video on the beautiful Greek Agean islands is something that I always consider a privilege and an experience. It’s easy to have that feeling like it’s the first time of you being there.
But when such a great events happen on a boat with the beautiful Hydra island as the background… Then it really becomes an unforgettable experience. Those two days there were not unique just because the of the boat or the beauty of the Greek sea. It’s not even because Hydra is a no-cars island which creates a time-travelling sense to the visitor. It was unique thanks to all the emotions that friends and relatives generously offered to the Alkistis and Andreas.
I hope you will enjoy their wedding video as much as I enjoyed the experience of being a part of it.
To be lucky enough to do wedding video on the beautiful Greek Agean islands is something that I always consider a privilege and an experience. It’s easy to have that feeling like it’s the first time of you being there.
But when such a great events happen on a boat with the beautiful Hydra island as the background… Then it really becomes an unforgettable experience. Those two days there were not unique just because the of the boat or the beauty of the Greek sea. It’s not even because Hydra is a no-cars island which creates a time-travelling sense to the visitor. It was unique thanks to all the emotions that friends and relatives generously offered to the Alkistis and Andreas.
I hope you will enjoy their wedding video as much as I enjoyed the experience of being a part of it.