RICHMOND, VA - Alexandra Leigh and Ryan Yeatman got married at Blue Bee Cider on Friday, October 16, 2020. This lovely couple met on April 27th of 2013. It was the day of Pi Kappa Alpha's Fireman's Challenge, a philanthropy event hosted by Ryan's fraternity in support of the Evans-Haynes Burn Center at VCU. Ryan was assigned to "coach" Alexandra’s sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, throughout the week-long fundraiser. In preparation for the main event - a series of firefighter-inspired contests - Alexandra hosted a brunch at her house for everyone on her team. It was the smell of bacon that lured Ryan into her kitchen. They stood in the kitchen chatting for a while before heading off to the park. Later that night, they swapped phone numbers, and the rest is history!
RICHMOND, VA - Alexandra Leigh and Ryan Yeatman got married at Blue Bee Cider on Friday, October 16, 2020. This lovely couple met on April 27th of 2013. It was the day of Pi Kappa Alpha's Fireman's Challenge, a philanthropy event hosted by Ryan's fraternity in support of the Evans-Haynes Burn Center at VCU. Ryan was assigned to "coach" Alexandra’s sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha, throughout the week-long fundraiser. In preparation for the main event - a series of firefighter-inspired contests - Alexandra hosted a brunch at her house for everyone on her team. It was the smell of bacon that lured Ryan into her kitchen. They stood in the kitchen chatting for a while before heading off to the park. Later that night, they swapped phone numbers, and the rest is history!