Return to David's Bridal

Sarah and Zeke

in Stanwood, WA

Videographer: Emerald Media

Wedding Team

Emerald MediaVideographer
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BHLDNDress Designer
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Wedding Date on May 29, 2021

Zeke and Sarah knew they had found something special the day they met - and within 10 days they were dating. Their adventures took them from Southern Cali to Madison, WI. And then to Washington where they tied the knot. These two were a blast to work with. They let us get a little creative with their film and really make it about their journey as a couple. These two both have “Good Vibes” tattooed on their bodies, so we wanted to make ‘Good Vibes’ the overall theme of their film. We also incorporated their own personal home videos into the final edit to really drive the story.

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Sarah and Zeke

in Stanwood, WA

Videographer: Emerald Media

May 29 2021


Zeke and Sarah knew they had found something special the day they met - and within 10 days they were dating. Their adventures took them from Southern Cali to Madison, WI. And then to Washington where they tied the knot. These two were a blast to work with. They let us get a little creative with their film and really make it about their journey as a couple. These two both have “Good Vibes” tattooed on their bodies, so we wanted to make ‘Good Vibes’ the overall theme of their film. We also incorporated their own personal home videos into the final edit to really drive the story.

Wedding Team

Emerald MediaVideographer
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BHLDNDress Designer
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