The story of Riley and Chris began one night when Riley was serving tables at a Tavern. Quoting Riley's sister, "When she saw Chris come in with his cowboy boots and button down on, she was sure she was going to get the crumbs out from underneath his table!" Chris was equally smitten upon their first meeting. Riley and Chris are both so much more than the "state the obvious" type of beauty though. They both possess intrinsic hero attributes, which they undoubtly admire and love about each other. Riley's career path led her to work for a major hospital and Chris has found his calling as a police officer. These two have displayed countless acts of charity and goodwill towards their community and the inward beauty of generosity, grace, and sophistication rooted in this couple parallels their surface! If ever there was an American Dream founded in the positive character traits of those living it, it's Riley and Chris!
Sep 14 2019
The story of Riley and Chris began one night when Riley was serving tables at a Tavern. Quoting Riley's sister, "When she saw Chris come in with his cowboy boots and button down on, she was sure she was going to get the crumbs out from underneath his table!" Chris was equally smitten upon their first meeting. Riley and Chris are both so much more than the "state the obvious" type of beauty though. They both possess intrinsic hero attributes, which they undoubtly admire and love about each other. Riley's career path led her to work for a major hospital and Chris has found his calling as a police officer. These two have displayed countless acts of charity and goodwill towards their community and the inward beauty of generosity, grace, and sophistication rooted in this couple parallels their surface! If ever there was an American Dream founded in the positive character traits of those living it, it's Riley and Chris!