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Phoebe and Ryan

in Vancouver, WA

Videographer: HundredFold Productions

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Wedding Date on Aug 16, 2016

From The Groom: "Phoebe and I met at Coastal Church in downtown Vancouver in January of 2014. The first thing I noticed about her was that she had such a funky unapologetic style. For that summer we came to become good friends. In August I was at an Outdoor Movies BC event with some friends at Second Beach and as the movie ends probably around 5000 people get up in in a massive wave and start walking to their cars, bikes, and transit. In the giant crowd of shouting people Phoebe was there with other people and said she heard my laugh and immediately said “Ryan!?” and ran over to me. I left my friends and decided to walk her to the bus. It was around 11:30pm and she had to catch a bus to the skytrain then to Surrey and walk home 15 minutes. There was no way I was going to let that happen so I hailed a cab and put $20 in here hand and said, “use this to get to the skytrain and in Surrey use the rest to taxi home.” She responded ,“What really? No I can’t take your money. I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.” I smiled and said, “Don’t give my money back, just take me out for lunch some time.” A couple days later we had our first “date” alone at a Thai restaurant in the Westend. I brought my sketch book with me and I decided to draw her a cartoon to help encourage her going through a difficult time. On it I wrote the words “SPEAK LIFE” which to this day is still a motto with both of us. The next few months after our date I still wasn’t sure she was for me, but Phoebe relentlessly pursued me until I really saw the side of her that I see today. A free spirited, kind, spontaneous, artistic, loving friend. The more time I spent with her, the more I realized I was becoming a better man. After nearly a year of dating, Phoebe’s visa options were exhausted and she had to move back to Taiwan. By this point we knew we wanted to stay together so we said we would do whatever it takes to be together. In January of 2016 she got accepted into VFS with a scholarship but even then her student visa was denied. I couldn’t wait any longer so I decided to fly to Taiwan, profess my love and ask her to marry me. While I was there I had so much peace about Taiwan as we traveled around the beautiful island. When I proposed to her she said with tears in her eyes “Ryan I don’t know when I can come to Canada” to which I replied “then I’ll move here to be with you”. The process of get married and getting my resident visa info in order has been hard. We don’t know how we will pay for everything and we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we both trust God will guide us as He has done so far." Filmmaker HundredFold Productions

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Phoebe and Ryan

in Vancouver, WA

Videographer: HundredFold Productions

Aug 16 2016



From The Groom: "Phoebe and I met at Coastal Church in downtown Vancouver in January of 2014. The first thing I noticed about her was that she had such a funky unapologetic style. For that summer we came to become good friends. In August I was at an Outdoor Movies BC event with some friends at Second Beach and as the movie ends probably around 5000 people get up in in a massive wave and start walking to their cars, bikes, and transit. In the giant crowd of shouting people Phoebe was there with other people and said she heard my laugh and immediately said “Ryan!?” and ran over to me. I left my friends and decided to walk her to the bus. It was around 11:30pm and she had to catch a bus to the skytrain then to Surrey and walk home 15 minutes. There was no way I was going to let that happen so I hailed a cab and put $20 in here hand and said, “use this to get to the skytrain and in Surrey use the rest to taxi home.” She responded ,“What really? No I can’t take your money. I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.” I smiled and said, “Don’t give my money back, just take me out for lunch some time.” A couple days later we had our first “date” alone at a Thai restaurant in the Westend. I brought my sketch book with me and I decided to draw her a cartoon to help encourage her going through a difficult time. On it I wrote the words “SPEAK LIFE” which to this day is still a motto with both of us. The next few months after our date I still wasn’t sure she was for me, but Phoebe relentlessly pursued me until I really saw the side of her that I see today. A free spirited, kind, spontaneous, artistic, loving friend. The more time I spent with her, the more I realized I was becoming a better man. After nearly a year of dating, Phoebe’s visa options were exhausted and she had to move back to Taiwan. By this point we knew we wanted to stay together so we said we would do whatever it takes to be together. In January of 2016 she got accepted into VFS with a scholarship but even then her student visa was denied. I couldn’t wait any longer so I decided to fly to Taiwan, profess my love and ask her to marry me. While I was there I had so much peace about Taiwan as we traveled around the beautiful island. When I proposed to her she said with tears in her eyes “Ryan I don’t know when I can come to Canada” to which I replied “then I’ll move here to be with you”. The process of get married and getting my resident visa info in order has been hard. We don’t know how we will pay for everything and we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we both trust God will guide us as He has done so far." Filmmaker HundredFold Productions

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