How do you describe a year like 2020? A majority of the year was spent inside of a global pandemic. A pandemic that required us to social distance from the people we love. This required businesses to close, events to be canceled, and for us to stay inside. As you can imagine this was rough on the wedding industry. Regardless if you are a business or a couple planning your wedding. 2020 will be one to remember. Though it was a rough year it was not necessarily a bad one for Bella Tiamo. We tried to get ahead of the curve as early as possible. (March 13th is when I made my first post about what are plans were.) In March I started researching things we could do to make weddings still happen. One of these things was LIVE STREAMING. Looking back on it now I'm happy I invested time and money into learning the craft. It is crazy to think about how some of the weddings we captured in 2020 did not book till after the pandemic. What brought them in the door was our live streaming services. 2020 was far from perfect though. With 13 of our couples needing to reschedule, and a few of our wedding industry friends closing up shop. Its been a year full of many disappointments. Yet we are beyond thankful for those who have made it through to the other side. We are so thankful for the couples who still let us capture their important day, even if it did not look the way they imagined it. If I learned one thing about weddings in 2020 it is that the glam and fancy décor is nice, but it doesn't make the wedding. What makes the wedding is the people coming together to celebrate the joining of two people ready to commit their lives to each other. A great story can be told anywhere. A giant ballroom or a backyard. It doesn't matter. The people are what make the story special. -Travis Heberling
Oct 24 2020
How do you describe a year like 2020? A majority of the year was spent inside of a global pandemic. A pandemic that required us to social distance from the people we love. This required businesses to close, events to be canceled, and for us to stay inside. As you can imagine this was rough on the wedding industry. Regardless if you are a business or a couple planning your wedding. 2020 will be one to remember. Though it was a rough year it was not necessarily a bad one for Bella Tiamo. We tried to get ahead of the curve as early as possible. (March 13th is when I made my first post about what are plans were.) In March I started researching things we could do to make weddings still happen. One of these things was LIVE STREAMING. Looking back on it now I'm happy I invested time and money into learning the craft. It is crazy to think about how some of the weddings we captured in 2020 did not book till after the pandemic. What brought them in the door was our live streaming services. 2020 was far from perfect though. With 13 of our couples needing to reschedule, and a few of our wedding industry friends closing up shop. Its been a year full of many disappointments. Yet we are beyond thankful for those who have made it through to the other side. We are so thankful for the couples who still let us capture their important day, even if it did not look the way they imagined it. If I learned one thing about weddings in 2020 it is that the glam and fancy décor is nice, but it doesn't make the wedding. What makes the wedding is the people coming together to celebrate the joining of two people ready to commit their lives to each other. A great story can be told anywhere. A giant ballroom or a backyard. It doesn't matter. The people are what make the story special. -Travis Heberling