In the charming coastal town of Portovenere, a romantic and elegant wedding takes place against a backdrop of azure waters and colorful cliffside houses. The ceremony unfolds in a quaint seaside church, where the gentle sound of waves mingles with vows exchanged under the warm Mediterranean sun. Following the ceremony, guests stroll through narrow cobblestone streets to a waterfront venue, where al fresco dining and panoramic views of the Ligurian coast set the stage for an unforgettable celebration of love.
In the charming coastal town of Portovenere, a romantic and elegant wedding takes place against a backdrop of azure waters and colorful cliffside houses. The ceremony unfolds in a quaint seaside church, where the gentle sound of waves mingles with vows exchanged under the warm Mediterranean sun. Following the ceremony, guests stroll through narrow cobblestone streets to a waterfront venue, where al fresco dining and panoramic views of the Ligurian coast set the stage for an unforgettable celebration of love.