On a December evening in 2017, I was laying in bed, scrolling my facebook newsfeed. I suddenly came across my cousin Summiya’s page where she tagged a beautiful girl in one of her pictures. I remember think, “Myyy Goodness.” I immediately called Summiya and asked her if that beauty is single because this beast is interested. My cousin answered with a “yes” and I remember being happy and surprised at the same time. Happy because she is gorgeous, obviously (see pics and get ready to be shocked just like I was), and surprised that I came across such a beautiful girl by simply scrolling. No swiping involved! I asked Summiya if she could set up a group hangout so I could see Kiren LIVE, #nofilters. I felt confident until the moment I saw her and found myself sitting across from her. It is amazing when something just feels...right, the weak knees, funny feeling in the pit of the stomach, flushed face from intimidation - I felt it all. I called Summiya later that night after we all went home, only to find out that Kiren thought, “I was nice” and not much else. I was thinking, “What the heck. Just nice? C’mon now... who else can pull off this hairdo?” After that night, I made it a point to make sure these group hangouts happen more frequently. After continuing for a few months in this way, I finally got Kiren’s number. It wasn’t easy to get to this accomplished, but I could finally #Levelup and spit some real game! As we continued to get to know each other, I found myself still doing silly things out of anxiety. How could I not feel nervous in the presence of such beautiful, piercing eyes that spoke to my soul? This one time when I was trying to play footsies with Kiren and accidentally kicked her too hard, she said out loud in front of all our friends, “Is there a reason you’re kicking me?” And rolled her eyes. We all laughed, but my heart sank. Now everyone knew... along with my head full of hair gel, I carried a powerful set of legs. Fast forward to today, I’m amazed and blessed that Kiren has decided to stick it out with me and be my adventure bae forever. The moments of anxiety, laughs, ups and downs, and the feeling of vulnerability that creeps up into your heart... all so worth it. Life has been good to us so far, and we look forward to living it well with the passing of each day.
On a December evening in 2017, I was laying in bed, scrolling my facebook newsfeed. I suddenly came across my cousin Summiya’s page where she tagged a beautiful girl in one of her pictures. I remember think, “Myyy Goodness.” I immediately called Summiya and asked her if that beauty is single because this beast is interested. My cousin answered with a “yes” and I remember being happy and surprised at the same time. Happy because she is gorgeous, obviously (see pics and get ready to be shocked just like I was), and surprised that I came across such a beautiful girl by simply scrolling. No swiping involved! I asked Summiya if she could set up a group hangout so I could see Kiren LIVE, #nofilters. I felt confident until the moment I saw her and found myself sitting across from her. It is amazing when something just feels...right, the weak knees, funny feeling in the pit of the stomach, flushed face from intimidation - I felt it all. I called Summiya later that night after we all went home, only to find out that Kiren thought, “I was nice” and not much else. I was thinking, “What the heck. Just nice? C’mon now... who else can pull off this hairdo?” After that night, I made it a point to make sure these group hangouts happen more frequently. After continuing for a few months in this way, I finally got Kiren’s number. It wasn’t easy to get to this accomplished, but I could finally #Levelup and spit some real game! As we continued to get to know each other, I found myself still doing silly things out of anxiety. How could I not feel nervous in the presence of such beautiful, piercing eyes that spoke to my soul? This one time when I was trying to play footsies with Kiren and accidentally kicked her too hard, she said out loud in front of all our friends, “Is there a reason you’re kicking me?” And rolled her eyes. We all laughed, but my heart sank. Now everyone knew... along with my head full of hair gel, I carried a powerful set of legs. Fast forward to today, I’m amazed and blessed that Kiren has decided to stick it out with me and be my adventure bae forever. The moments of anxiety, laughs, ups and downs, and the feeling of vulnerability that creeps up into your heart... all so worth it. Life has been good to us so far, and we look forward to living it well with the passing of each day.