It all started on the South Coast of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Patrick was atypically early for a BBQ and decided to take a drive around the neighbourhood. He happened to drive down Kenya’s road and came across a young lass walking the dogs. A twinkly eye-sparkle was exchanged!
Kenya saw Patrick's ‘CA’ Cape Town number plate on his car and was instantly captivated by the majestic beauty of VW Paddy Caddy, which served as an opening line later that same day when they officially met at the braai to which they had both been unknowingly invited.
Patrick was overcome with joy when a few days later he found this young lass from Cape Town uncharacteristically attending a Rugby 7s tournament. Allegedly, it was to support the rugby competition. Subsequently, Patrick has learnt that Kenya knew (and still knows) little to nothing about rugby and that there were definitely ulterior motives at play.
The next few months were filled with attempts to woo each other in the sea of plenty on the South Coast, secretly hoping the other would not be snatched up. Their first kiss was on a moonlit walk along the KZN shore, where mutual feelings were exchanged and sparks were ignited. As Bruce Springsteen so aptly puts it ‘you can’t light a fire without a spark’."
Kenya & Patrick's three-day celebration was held in Greyton, South Africa, surrounded by trees and no wifi. Connection with friends and family was definitely the theme they wanted.
It all started on the South Coast of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa. Patrick was atypically early for a BBQ and decided to take a drive around the neighbourhood. He happened to drive down Kenya’s road and came across a young lass walking the dogs. A twinkly eye-sparkle was exchanged!
Kenya saw Patrick's ‘CA’ Cape Town number plate on his car and was instantly captivated by the majestic beauty of VW Paddy Caddy, which served as an opening line later that same day when they officially met at the braai to which they had both been unknowingly invited.
Patrick was overcome with joy when a few days later he found this young lass from Cape Town uncharacteristically attending a Rugby 7s tournament. Allegedly, it was to support the rugby competition. Subsequently, Patrick has learnt that Kenya knew (and still knows) little to nothing about rugby and that there were definitely ulterior motives at play.
The next few months were filled with attempts to woo each other in the sea of plenty on the South Coast, secretly hoping the other would not be snatched up. Their first kiss was on a moonlit walk along the KZN shore, where mutual feelings were exchanged and sparks were ignited. As Bruce Springsteen so aptly puts it ‘you can’t light a fire without a spark’."
Kenya & Patrick's three-day celebration was held in Greyton, South Africa, surrounded by trees and no wifi. Connection with friends and family was definitely the theme they wanted.