Joshua and Jessica met by chance in China on a church missions trip. It didn't take long for them to fall in love with one another and the most pleasant surprise was that each only live one state apart from eachother: Maryland and Virginia! Things werent always easy with Joshua being stationed in Korea but that didn't stop them from getting engaged and planning a wedding while oceans apart from eachother. Their wedding date was set and a potential hiccup of scheduling on Josh' military post might have prevented him from coming on time! But with faithfulness and positivity, Josh was actually able to come just before the wedding to marry the girl of his dreams. There was nothing short of overwhelming affection and love pouring from these 2 and are now happily married, and have started their marriage driving cross country to the West Coast!
Nov 14 2020
Joshua and Jessica met by chance in China on a church missions trip. It didn't take long for them to fall in love with one another and the most pleasant surprise was that each only live one state apart from eachother: Maryland and Virginia! Things werent always easy with Joshua being stationed in Korea but that didn't stop them from getting engaged and planning a wedding while oceans apart from eachother. Their wedding date was set and a potential hiccup of scheduling on Josh' military post might have prevented him from coming on time! But with faithfulness and positivity, Josh was actually able to come just before the wedding to marry the girl of his dreams. There was nothing short of overwhelming affection and love pouring from these 2 and are now happily married, and have started their marriage driving cross country to the West Coast!