People often say that you find love when you least expect it, and sometimes, those people are right. Andrew lived in Burbank. Andrew loved Burbank. Andrew never travelled outside of Burbank. He lived his life in a three mile radius. And why not? Burbank had it all. However, April showers bring May flowers, and Andrew's roommate was about to rain all over his parade in the month of August and Andrew would need to find a roommate, or move out of the apartment he loved. Many people face this dilemma every year, and there are so many ways of finding roommates these days. There's this site, and that site. Facebook, or friends of friends. There's also Craigslist. A public site where people post ads for all sorts of things. You want a used lawnmower, they've got it. Sporting equipment, they've got it. It's also a great resource for finding potential roommates and posting ads for open rooms for rent. Andrew was very familiar with Craigslist, and had used the site many times before. He bought an ikea bed frame. When he got home and realized it was the wrong size, he sold an ikea bed frame. He found a roommate in college, who turned out to be a total weirdo. So, needless to say, Andrew didn't have the best of luck with Craigslist, and although he swore he'd never get a roommate off Craigslist again, he decided to roll the dice and make the post. Andrew was ready to throw in the towel, when he got a call from a girl named, Ingrid. At least she sounded normal and it couldn't be any worse than the tiger guy or the closet killer. Ingrid arrived at 5:30 on a Monday night. After a series of potential roommate flops, a shining beacon of hope entered the room. She was just as interested in closet space as the closet killer, but Andrew trusted that it was for clothes and not dead bodies. She was familiar, she was responsible, she was...very attractive. Not to mention, she could sing. Andrew knew they would make great roommates. Ingrid did not end up moving into the apartment, and Andrew found another roommate to fill the vacancy, but the meeting sparked a friendship that grew into a romance and loving relationship that still continues today. Thanks, Craigslist.
Dec 8 2018
People often say that you find love when you least expect it, and sometimes, those people are right. Andrew lived in Burbank. Andrew loved Burbank. Andrew never travelled outside of Burbank. He lived his life in a three mile radius. And why not? Burbank had it all. However, April showers bring May flowers, and Andrew's roommate was about to rain all over his parade in the month of August and Andrew would need to find a roommate, or move out of the apartment he loved. Many people face this dilemma every year, and there are so many ways of finding roommates these days. There's this site, and that site. Facebook, or friends of friends. There's also Craigslist. A public site where people post ads for all sorts of things. You want a used lawnmower, they've got it. Sporting equipment, they've got it. It's also a great resource for finding potential roommates and posting ads for open rooms for rent. Andrew was very familiar with Craigslist, and had used the site many times before. He bought an ikea bed frame. When he got home and realized it was the wrong size, he sold an ikea bed frame. He found a roommate in college, who turned out to be a total weirdo. So, needless to say, Andrew didn't have the best of luck with Craigslist, and although he swore he'd never get a roommate off Craigslist again, he decided to roll the dice and make the post. Andrew was ready to throw in the towel, when he got a call from a girl named, Ingrid. At least she sounded normal and it couldn't be any worse than the tiger guy or the closet killer. Ingrid arrived at 5:30 on a Monday night. After a series of potential roommate flops, a shining beacon of hope entered the room. She was just as interested in closet space as the closet killer, but Andrew trusted that it was for clothes and not dead bodies. She was familiar, she was responsible, she was...very attractive. Not to mention, she could sing. Andrew knew they would make great roommates. Ingrid did not end up moving into the apartment, and Andrew found another roommate to fill the vacancy, but the meeting sparked a friendship that grew into a romance and loving relationship that still continues today. Thanks, Craigslist.