They met at a very young age, through mutual friends, while both in conservatory. And at that time, neither of them could’ve ever imagined that they had found their soul-mate. The one to share the rest of their life with! After a little while, they become involved and remember that their first date was in the library, where she was studying to enter medicine. In the following months they spent a lot of time together, seeing each other every day, studying, getting lost in conversation and bonding over their mutual interests. But despite the initial spark, after a little more than a year, somehow their lives took on different paths. Before they had parted ways, he wrote a song for her, which at that time sounded a little strange. It was a song about how their paths would cross again in time. In the following years, a few occasional encounters somehow drove them to reconnect and rekindle a bond of friendship, which however never went beyond the occasional afternoon tea and a little conversation. But six years later it was the music again, that brought them together. And so, during a reunion with their old friends from the conservatory, they found their way back to each other and they both felt that something had changed between them. They felt at home with one another. It was like finding the last piece of a puzzle – the perfect fit – and from that moment, they were both able to see a picture greater than themselves, with the incredible certainty that their separate pathways were meant to come across again and to be joined in a single thread, for life. Just like in that song he wrote six years ago! They found their common ground and nurtured their love one day at a time. And today, they're proudly standing here, both look forward to a glowing future together, to traveling the world, growing old together and making decades of beautiful memories.
Jul 31 2020
They met at a very young age, through mutual friends, while both in conservatory. And at that time, neither of them could’ve ever imagined that they had found their soul-mate. The one to share the rest of their life with! After a little while, they become involved and remember that their first date was in the library, where she was studying to enter medicine. In the following months they spent a lot of time together, seeing each other every day, studying, getting lost in conversation and bonding over their mutual interests. But despite the initial spark, after a little more than a year, somehow their lives took on different paths. Before they had parted ways, he wrote a song for her, which at that time sounded a little strange. It was a song about how their paths would cross again in time. In the following years, a few occasional encounters somehow drove them to reconnect and rekindle a bond of friendship, which however never went beyond the occasional afternoon tea and a little conversation. But six years later it was the music again, that brought them together. And so, during a reunion with their old friends from the conservatory, they found their way back to each other and they both felt that something had changed between them. They felt at home with one another. It was like finding the last piece of a puzzle – the perfect fit – and from that moment, they were both able to see a picture greater than themselves, with the incredible certainty that their separate pathways were meant to come across again and to be joined in a single thread, for life. Just like in that song he wrote six years ago! They found their common ground and nurtured their love one day at a time. And today, they're proudly standing here, both look forward to a glowing future together, to traveling the world, growing old together and making decades of beautiful memories.