"He knows I love lights and I just always thought that the perfect way for him to propose would be in the form of a private magic show" Dunstan and Charlini's wedding took place at the beautiful Madsens Greenhouse in Newmarket Ontario. From the day we met Dunstan and Charlini we started piecing together shots and ideas based on there story. Its not everyday a groom tells you that hes a magician. Check out there full highlight video
Jul 6 2019
"He knows I love lights and I just always thought that the perfect way for him to propose would be in the form of a private magic show" Dunstan and Charlini's wedding took place at the beautiful Madsens Greenhouse in Newmarket Ontario. From the day we met Dunstan and Charlini we started piecing together shots and ideas based on there story. Its not everyday a groom tells you that hes a magician. Check out there full highlight video