Return to David's Bridal

Brynelle and Brandon

in Oregon City, OR

Videographer: Ashley Renee Studios

Wedding Team

Ashley Renee StudiosVideographer
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Wedding Date on Sep 25, 2021

Brynelle and Brandon met during worldwide shut downs and still managed to keep each other entertained in their dating life! Having met through a mutual friend that would actually wind up working as their wedding photographer, Brandon's wit and sarcasm and Brynelle's warm, positive outlook in life seem to be an absolute perfect combination. And it is quite evident from the children's activities, yard games, and bounce house on wedding day that these two are bound to have a fun loving, family dedicated marriage ahead!!

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Brynelle and Brandon

in Oregon City, OR

Videographer: Ashley Renee Studios

Sep 25 2021


Brynelle and Brandon met during worldwide shut downs and still managed to keep each other entertained in their dating life! Having met through a mutual friend that would actually wind up working as their wedding photographer, Brandon's wit and sarcasm and Brynelle's warm, positive outlook in life seem to be an absolute perfect combination. And it is quite evident from the children's activities, yard games, and bounce house on wedding day that these two are bound to have a fun loving, family dedicated marriage ahead!!

Wedding Team

Ashley Renee StudiosVideographer
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