"Things I Learned from Cameron" - Bailee (the bride speaking about her brother)
"Socks don’t have to match
Don’t take life too seriously
You don’t have to know the words to a song to enjoy singing it
Enjoy the simple things in life
Laughing for no reason can be fun
Spaghettios can be eaten for breakfast
The depth of people's kindness and cruelty is greater than I imagined
You can’t OD on Reeses
Unconditional Love
Going vroom, vroom can be fun
Intelligence does not = Happiness. The less you understand the happier you are!
Don’t hold a grudge
Most great blessings in life follow a great trial
Special needs children have more to teach us than we have to teach them!"
"Things I Learned from Cameron" - Bailee (the bride speaking about her brother)
"Socks don’t have to match
Don’t take life too seriously
You don’t have to know the words to a song to enjoy singing it
Enjoy the simple things in life
Laughing for no reason can be fun
Spaghettios can be eaten for breakfast
The depth of people's kindness and cruelty is greater than I imagined
You can’t OD on Reeses
Unconditional Love
Going vroom, vroom can be fun
Intelligence does not = Happiness. The less you understand the happier you are!
Don’t hold a grudge
Most great blessings in life follow a great trial
Special needs children have more to teach us than we have to teach them!"