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Abbigail and Travis

in Inlet Beach, FL

Videographer: Sixpence Studios
Venue: Inlet Beach

Wedding Team


Inlet BeachReception Venue
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Inlet BeachCeremony Venue
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Sixpence StudiosVideographer
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Erica Basha BridalMakeup Artist
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Marie Di GiovineOfficiant
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Wedding Date on Jun 25, 2017

Abbigail and Travis knew they wanted to get married on the beautiful beaches of the Emerald Coast. They planned to commit to one another, by themselves, at the end of June with a private ceremony on the beach. In the end, the intimate elopement grew to include their parents, a best man and maid of honor. Despite the celebration, Mother Nature, was not being kind on their wedding day. We spent the morning and early afternoon texting back and forth to my friend Chris Smith, who is the local NBC’s station’s meteorologist, trying to figure out when we could get a long enough break in the deluge for Abbigail and Travis to tie the knot. Late in the afternoon, it looked like we would have about an hour without rain and we all headed down to the beach. And what happened? It was beautiful. Truly, one of the most stunning sunsets I’ve ever seen in 10 years of living on this coast. It was all meant to happen the way it did. Meant to be. Kind of like Abbigail and Travis. Grab the tissues, watch their film, and you’ll see what I mean.

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Abbigail and Travis

in Inlet Beach, FL

Videographer: Sixpence Studios
Venue: Inlet Beach

Jun 25 2017


Abbigail and Travis knew they wanted to get married on the beautiful beaches of the Emerald Coast. They planned to commit to one another, by themselves, at the end of June with a private ceremony on the beach. In the end, the intimate elopement grew to include their parents, a best man and maid of honor. Despite the celebration, Mother Nature, was not being kind on their wedding day. We spent the morning and early afternoon texting back and forth to my friend Chris Smith, who is the local NBC’s station’s meteorologist, trying to figure out when we could get a long enough break in the deluge for Abbigail and Travis to tie the knot. Late in the afternoon, it looked like we would have about an hour without rain and we all headed down to the beach. And what happened? It was beautiful. Truly, one of the most stunning sunsets I’ve ever seen in 10 years of living on this coast. It was all meant to happen the way it did. Meant to be. Kind of like Abbigail and Travis. Grab the tissues, watch their film, and you’ll see what I mean.

Wedding Team


Inlet BeachReception Venue
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Inlet BeachCeremony Venue
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Sixpence StudiosVideographer
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Erica Basha BridalMakeup Artist
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Marie Di GiovineOfficiant
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