Twogether Studios
Delhi, Delhi, India
Led by Arjun Kartha, we are a highly experienced family-run photography and film-making company that is best known for modern cinematic wedding storytelling. We take up a very limited number of weddings every year, and are obsessed with creating fun, off-beat and contemporary wedding stories. Widely regarded as amongst the top 5 wedding studios in India, we pioneered candid wedding photography and film-making in India from the first wedding that we shot in 2008! Over the last 14 years, we have shot hundreds of love stories all over the world; we believe in an exceedingly high quality standard, and like to believe that we are the gold-standard in wedding storytelling in the country.
Message Vendor
Nidhi and Sarang
Videographer: Twogether Studios
7 Videos featuring Twogether Studios
Business Location
Delhi, Delhi, India